Realistic Savings Are Within Your Grasp If You Use These Auto Coverage Tips In modern times buying auto insurance is not even an option, it is the law. Don't find yourself pulled over without it, because it could even mean jail time. If you find yourself needing auto insurance don't let the plethora of companies and policies drive you crazy. Read this article and relax, its an easy decision. Research the prices and options from different insurance companies. Each insurance company will focus on different factors when deciding the cost to you. By researching many competitors, it becomes easier to find a good deal and save money. It's important, if you're looking to get the most out of your auto insurance dollars, to continue to evaluate whether you're paying too much in terms of the number of drivers you need to cover. For example, if you're still carrying auto insurance for your children who are grown and in college who don't use your car, then take them off the policy and your rates will go down nicely. Your insurance premium will be dependent upon the brand of car, SUV, truck, ATV, boat or motorcycle you buy or lease. The mileage, make, model and year of the car will determine how much your insurance bill will be. If your tastes lead you towards a luxurious car, the numbers on your insurance bill will rise accordingly. To really cut down your premiums, choose a model that is known more for safety than for being flashy. If your automobile is older and has a low book value, you can save money on your insurance by dropping the comprehensive and collision coverage options. If you are ever involved in an accident with an older car of little value, the insurer is not going to fix it. They will label it totaled. So there is no reason to pay for this type of coverage. Adding value to your car is not a good thing, if you want to save money on your insurance policy. A nice stereo system, rims and tinted windows may look nice driving down the street, but this added value will be reflected in your monthly premiums. Keep it simple, if you want lower insurance payments. Drivers who do not file insurance claims are entitled to big discounts. Make sure you broach this no-claims topic after you have been with the same insurance carrier for a few years. Drivers with five years of filing no claims can be rewarded with up to 75% off of their premium payments. Now that's some big-time savings. Never drive your car without liability insurance. This insurance type can save you a lot of money as the insurance company pays the damages you caused to someone. Without this insurance type, you would be liable for all the costs. Choose the coverage that is right for you and your unique situation. Take a class on safe and defensive driving to save money on your premiums. The more knowledge you have, the safer a driver you can be. Insurance companies sometimes offer discounts if you take classes that can make you a safer driver. Besides the savings on your premiums, it's always a good idea to learn how to drive safely. Nearly all states require you to purchase liability insurance for your vehicle, although the minimum amount of coverage required often isn't sufficient. For example, if you're unfortunate enough to hit a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, chances are slim that your minimum property damage liability coverage is going to be enough to pay for the cost of repairs. Increasing your coverage is fairly inexpensive and is a smart way to protect your assets in the event of a serious accident. If you recently got married, providing that you and your spouse have the same carrier, you may want to consider combining your spouse's policy with yours or vice versa. Doing so can net you significant savings because you will be lumping two individual policies into one multi-vehicle policy, on which many carriers offers a discount. Although you may think your insurance will be reasonable because you are driving an economy car, you may just have a surprise. Some cars are considered to be highly sought by thieves and if this is true of your car, you will see an increase in the price of your insurance, as well. Be sure to be aware of this when purchasing your car and consider avoiding these "hot" cars. When determining how much auto insurance coverage you will need, you must keep in mind your driving record. If you make a long treacherous commute to work every day, or if you have a history of accidents, you should get more complete coverage. More complete coverage could include collision or comprehensive, depending on your specific requirements. Sometimes if all you are going to get is liability is insurance on your vehicle, your best bet is actually a hole in the wall place rather than a reputable company. These companies are so eager to get you in the door they offer astonish rates sometimes as low as thirty dollars monthly! To get a discount on your auto insurance, take into consideration all of your professional affiliations. Not only do many mass employers like Wal-Mart arrange blanket discounts for their employees, but many educational, charitable, social and religious organizations do too. When applying for or renewing your auto insurance, be sure to list all of your affiliations to qualify for these potential discounts. Figure out what the minimum requirements are for your state. This is especially important if you have an older car and are planning on only purchasing the bare minimum coverage that is out there. This could keep you from breaking the law and save you a big hassle in the long run. Auto insurance, now being a law in the majority of the states, can be a bit complicated. With so many different policies, deductibles, and decisions to be made, it can be quite like a maze. With a little information however, it is easy to find ones way out of the maze and find a good policy for you.