Auto Insurance Tricks That Everyone Should Know If you are a car owner, you probably already know that having good auto insurance is a necessity. However, how can you tell if a certain auto insurance plan is the right one for you? Reading this article and using these tips will help you to make that determination. When it comes to car insurance, a good tip is to pick a more affordable choice of car, especially if you have a teenager of driving age in the household. For instance, if you have a choice between a sedan or a sports car, go with the former. Insurance for a sports car is always more expensive. When trying to get a lower rate on your auto insurance, don't be afraid to shop around. Auto insurance companies use different formulas to calculate who is a higher risk driver and therefore who has higher premiums. Even a slightly different set of questions could mean big savings for you. To save money on your car insurance take a look at dropping the towing coverage. The cost of being towed is usually cheaper than the cost the coverage adds to your policy over a 3 to 5 year time frame. Many credit cards and phone plans offer roadside assistance already so there is no need to pay extra for it. Driving less can help you save money on your auto insurance. If you've retired or started telecommuting, tell your insurance agent right away. Without those long commutes every day, you'll probably be able to get a lower premium. The fewer miles you drive, the better rate you're likely to get. One, less well-known way to get further discounts on auto insurance, especially if you have a teen driver around who is only going back and forth to school, is to request whether your insurance offers a discount for low mileage. If you can accurately estimate the actual mileage your teen drives and report it accurately, you will pay less. Consider using liability coverage when shopping for automobile insurance. This is the lowest available coverage options required by law, and it is also the cheapest option. If you do not have a car that is worth a lot of money, this option may work for you. If you have an accident, your car will not be covered. Purchase property damage liability when you buy your car insurance. This portion of liability coverage will pay for any damages caused to other property in the event you have a car accident. Only three states do not require liability insurance to operate a vehicle. If you get in a car accident, you will save money on replacing a vehicle or parts if you have damage liability. Do not settle for the first auto insurance company that you find. You may be missing out on special discounts or rewards. For instance, some insurance companies offer discounted premiums for accident-free drivers, or for people of certain professions. Some even give discounts to college students who maintain good grades. Do not be afraid to do some comparison shopping for the best automobile insurance policy. There are websites available that make the process of searching through the different companies quick, easy and efficient. You may be surprised by what another company can offer you in terms of cost. If you have excellent health insurance, consider dropping medical pay from your car insurance policy. There is no need to pay for the same insurance coverage twice. If your health insurance is good, you probably don't need it covered by your car insurance as well. Dropping medical pay from your car insurance can save you a lot of money. To get the best deals on car insurance you should be sure to understand the types of policies. This is because there are many types of coverage and they each protect you in different situations. Some of them will be more expensive but also provide higher coverage, while others will be much cheaper but not protect you as much. You should not let your insurance coverage lapse. If you are not able to pay for your insurance policy in full, you should call and talk to an agent. If you allow the policy to lapse it is very possible that you will not have coverage should an accident take place. That is a big risk that can be avoided by making a simple phone call. If you want to save even more money, check into getting all your insurance needs through the same company. Most insurance companies will offer a discount on their insurance if you have more than one policy with them, such as your homeowner's insurance or renters' insurance. This can reduce your rates. You should review your auto insurance policy regularly to make sure it accurately reflects your situation and your vehicle. Doing this shortly before your policy is set to renew is a good idea. Note any discrepancies and review them with your insurance company to make sure that your premium reflects your situation accurately. Review your insurance policy to make sure you are not being overcharged. Check for accurate annual mileage, verify your car's make, model and year. Double-check that the policy reflects your proper work commute, especially if it is very short. All of your policy's information is found on the Declaration page. Also verify that no additional coverage was added without your agreement, and that all promised discounts were applied. A great tip for keeping auto insurance policy costs low is to limit the specialized, custom and high performance options and equipment installed on your vehicle. By doing this, you will appear to be a lower claim risk, and will therefore be able to secure far more competitive rate quotes. As It was stated in the beginning of the article, any car owner knows what it means to have good and reliable auto insurance. It is important that you learn all about what makes an auto insurance company a trustworthy one, which is what the whole purpose of the above article is.