Important Auto Insurance Information You Can Use No matter what type of car you drive, automobile insurance is a legal necessity that protects all people on the road in the event of an accident. Read on to find out what kinds of insurance policies are available to you. To lower the cost of your insurance, you should pay attention to the kind of car that you wish to buy. If you buy a brand new car, insurance will be very high. On the other hand, a used car should allow you to get a lower rate, especially if it is an old model. Almost every car insurance company is charging you according to the risk you pose, so a great way to save money is to come across as a low-risk driver to the insurer. One way in which you can lower your risk is to attach a GPS device to your vehicle. These anti-theft devices save the insurance companies thousands if your car is stolen, and the savings are passed on to you. When it comes to saving some serious cash on your automobile insurance, it helps tremendously if you know and understand the types of coverage available to you. Take your time to learn about all the different types of coverage, and find out what your state requires of you. There may be some big savings in it for you. Some auto insurance companies have streamlined claims service for glass replacement. If you're shopping for new coverage, don't overlook this benefit. Depending on the carrier, you may have your deductible waived, meaning your glass can be repaired or replaced at no expense to you and your insurer may even send the glass company to your home or workplace to make it extra easy. If you have a good credit score, there is a good chance that your automobile insurance premium will be cheaper. Insurance companies are beginning to use your credit report as a part for calculating your insurance premium. If you maintain a good credit report, you will not have to worry about the increase in price. Keep a camera in your car at all times. In case of an accident, you are going to need documentation for your insurance company. Take photos of the accident from all angles, and make sure to include time and date stamps on them. Take these to your agent when you file your claim. Move to a rural area. The closer you are to the city, the higher your premiums will be. Accidents, break-ins, and vandalism all increase inside city limits, so premiums have to be higher to cover the damages. The farther away from the city you go, the lower your premiums get. Before choosing your next car, make sure you understand what it will do to your insurance policy. We all know that some cars will have a higher premium than others, but most people don't really know which ones are which. Ask your insurance company for recommendations of cars that are lower risk and thus, have a lower insurance premium attached. If you are just buying a car for jetting around town, see if your insurance company offers discounts for low mileage driving. The less you drive, the less likely you are to have an accident that your insurance will have to pay for. Most companies recognize this with discount offers. Since your car insurance premium is based on your past credit history and ratings, be sure you pay all your bills on time. This will keep your credit in good shape and ensure you are receiving the lowest insurance rates, because they are based on your credit report and history. Car insurance companies base their rates on events like cars being stolen. Installing alarms, trackers and/or immobilizers could lower your insurance rates more than you might think. The lower rates create a reduction in your insurance premium and with time the installations will more than pay for themselves. Add your husband or wife to your policy. This can reduce your rates greatly because it shows stability. This shows the insurance company that you are a stable and secure driver. This will lower your rates even more than being unmarried or just adding someone that is older, to your policy. When you are looking into different auto insurance policies, be sure you understand the meaning of different coverage types and terms associated with them. Many states have required amounts you need for different coverages, so be sure you understand what is required for your particular state so you aren't considered underinsured. If something isn't clear, always ask your insurance company representative. You can save money on car insurance if your car is an older car, a sedate car (like a 4-door-sedan or hatchback) or has lots of miles on it. When this is the case, you can simply buy liability insurance to satisfy the requirements of your state and not bother with comprehensive insurance. Check your insurance policy very closely before reporting a claim. There may be certain stipulations that can prevent you from filing a claim. For instance, if a tree falls on your vehicle, and your policy outlines that as an act of god, then by the terms of the contract they legally do not have to pay for damages. Many auto insurance companies automatically add extras, such as emergency road side assistance, legal protection, key replacement and guaranteed hire car to your policy. If you don't need these services, removing them from your policy can drop the annual cost of your auto insurance by a significant amount. To save money on your insurance, clean up your credit report. Most auto insurance companies use FICO scores as an aid in determining your premium. Apparently there is a correlation between low credit scores and traffic violations. Raising your credit score may not improve your driving skills, but it will put more money into your pockets. Because there are so many different types of automobiles out there, as well as different types of drivers, there are also many different types of insurance. By using what you've learned above, you can work to mix and match your way to a solid personal policy that will help you to save some big money.