Interesting And Useful Advice For Drivers Of All Kinds Auto insurance policies represent a significant expense to most drivers, and therefore it is important to understand exactly how they work. Education is the key when dealing with insurers and by taking advantage of the advice in this article, you will have a leg up when it comes to being a wise insurance customer. If you have a shiny new car, you won't want to drive around with the evidence of a fender bender. So your auto insurance on a new car should include collision insurance as well. That way, your car will stay looking good longer. However, do you really care about that fender bender if you're driving an old beater? Since states only require liability insurance, and since collision is expensive, once your car gets to the "I don't care that much how it looks, just how it drives" stage, drop the collision and your auto insurance payment will go down dramatically. Most student drivers pose a higher risk to auto insurance companies because their age bracket is statistically involved in more accidents, but students can combat this by simply making the honor roll. Students with good grades are less likely to get behind the wheel of their cars drunk or having taken drugs, and insurance companies know this. Saving money on auto insurance doesn't always happen as soon as you sign your policy. One of the best ways to save is to stick with the company for a few years while proving you are a safe driver. As your driving record remains unblemished, your monthly premiums will start to go down. You could save hundreds each year that you avoid an accident. Use social media to your advantage when shopping for an auto insurance policy. Check what real drivers are saying about insurance companies via websites, forums and blogs. By going the social route, you will find out the truth about an insurance company, not the hype the insurance companies themselves pay to put out. Make sure you think about the specific components your auto policy must have with respect to coverage. You probably don't need every insurance coverage option. You might want to pay for collision coverage if you're accident prone, though. You can save money on your auto insurance if you are in a position to drop collision coverage. You might consider doing so if your vehicle is paid off and if you have enough in savings to cover the car's replacement cost. The value of older cars drops dramatically, and if you're willing to take on some out-of-pocket risk, you can save on your premiums. If you really want to save a lot of money on automobile insurance, you can waive almost every type of insurance available except for state-mandated liability coverage. Liability coverage protects other drivers on the road more than you, so this is required for all drivers. But other types of coverage are not required and you can save big money by leaving them off. If you have other drivers on your insurance policy, remove them to get a better deal. Most insurance companies have a "guest" clause, meaning that you can occasionally allow someone to drive your car and be covered, as long as they have your permission. If your roommate only drives your car twice a month, there's no reason they should be on there! Move to a rural area. The closer you are to the city, the higher your premiums will be. Accidents, break-ins, and vandalism all increase inside city limits, so premiums have to be higher to cover the damages. The farther away from the city you go, the lower your premiums get. Before you buy auto insurance, always ask multiple companies for quotes. Many times, different companies will offer very different rates. To ensure you're getting the best bang for your buck, make it a point to shop new quotes at least once per year. When you are reviewing the quotes, look to see that the amount of coverage is comparable on each of them. Find out all of the available discounts that your insurance provider offers. There may be some discounts available that you did not know about when you opened your policy. You may have to take a driver's course of some kind but it will increase your driving skills and reduce your premiums. Everyone knows that a Ferrari is an expensive car, but what you may not know is that the insurance will be vastly more expensive as well. If you have your heart set on a car like this, make sure that you consider the increased prices of the insurance as well. At times it can be as much as 3 times the price of a normal car. With auto insurance, is it better to have a policy with a call center or one with a local office? It is nice to talk face to face with an agent, but he may have an interest in giving more coverage than you actually need--since he benefits personally from this. Be sure to ask your insurance agent about car insurance discounts for having all of your insurance coverage with him or her. When you have your car, homeowners, health and dental insurance all in one place, you may qualify for a good discount. Additionally, if you have multiple cars to insure, it may lower your rates. One of the best things about auto insurance is that you can purchase this insurance from state to state. It is not state-limited like health insurance is. This means you can always browse around in other states for the best deals. A lot of drivers won't do this because they assume purchasing in-state coverage is the best way. For most drivers, auto insurance is something to be taken quite seriously. Having the right coverage and dealing effectively with an insurer can make a significant financial difference in the life of any car owner. Making liberal use of the advice in this article is a terrific way to start acquiring the necessary knowledge.