Basic Steps To Get The Best Auto Insurance The search for auto insurance can lead you all over the place. There is so much conflicting information available, you may not know where to turn. Auto insurance does not have to be that confusing. Below you will find tips to help you best understand some of the car insurance ideas. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! Get liability-only coverage. This policy is the cheapest one you can get that still follows all mandatory minimum state laws. Just remember that it does not cover you or your vehicle, only the other person and their vehicle. In the event your car is damaged in some way, you would have to pay for the repairs yourself. Once you have a teenage driver in your house, your insurance premiums will go up. To save money, buy a less expensive and safer car for your teen to drive. Don't give in if they beg you for a fancier, sportier car. The safer the car, the cheaper the insurance. If your car is a significant asset, (i.e. expensive and having high resale value) make sure you purchase additional liability coverage for it when you insure it. The legal minimum liability coverage which is your cheapest option will not provide enough compensation if your valuable car gets damaged. The additional cost of additional coverage is worth paying to protect a car with real value. Young drivers can save money on their car insurance if they register an older driver as a part-time user of their car. There is no group of drivers subjected to higher insurance premiums than teenagers. However, insurers will be encouraged to see an older, more responsible driver sharing the driving duties with a teenager. They will reduce premiums accordingly in such a situation. A great tip for saving money on automobile insurance is to shop for, and purchase your policy online. It is common for insurers to provide discounts for internet customers, because it is less expensive for them to process an application received through their own website than it would be if purchasers were to consult with a live employee. In this way, it is possible for consumers to realize savings of between 5-10%. Do not forget to remove drivers from your car insurance plan. If you add a child or any other individual as a driver to your plan, do not forget to remove them when they are no longer using that vehicle. If you don't remove them, you are paying more money than you need to be. Even though you may be loyal to a certain auto insurance company, it pays to shop around for other companies each year. The prices of auto insurance are constantly taking and by not looking around, you could be spending far more on your current insurance than you would be with another company. If you are going to move, keep in mind that your car insurance rates my change. Insurance rates vary due to the chances of theft or accident, and suburbs and rural areas are generally cheaper than cities. If you are buying a brand new car, you should be aware that the car's warranty probably provides services such as towing or pays for a rental car while yours needs repairs. If you warranty covers these features, you should drop them on your insurance. When you warranty expires, do not forget to upgrade your insurance again. If you are in an accident, report it. Even if there aren't any injuries that are obvious at the time. It doesn't mean you are necessarily filing a claim, just letting your insurance company know what happened in case a claim is filed by the other party at a later time. Add an older driver to your insurance - if you are a young driver! Sometimes insurance companies will charge you less when there is an older driver listed on your policy. Even if they don't drive your vehicle, adding them to your policy can make your rates lower because it shows responsibility. The cost of your auto insurance will be impacted by the number of tickets and points on your driving record. To get your best rate, you must wait until your driving record is clear and then look for a new auto insurance provider. The cost will be significantly lower; you will save a lot on your premiums. One way to reduce the insurance premiums on a car is to ensure it is parked in a safe location. Generally speaking, parking a car on the street or in a driveway is less secure than parking it in a garage or secured lot. Most insurance companies take note of this distinction and offer discounts for safer parking arrangements. Before you buy a policy from an insurance agency, search the Better Business Bureau's website to track their customer satisfaction rating. If you find that they are not up to par with other companies' standards this will give you valuable information and help you decide if they are the right company for you. Throw in the towel with your current insurance company and find a new one. Sometimes, even when you try to do all you can to get your rates down with your current insurer, you can still beat that rate with a different insurance company. Auto insurers try to attract new customers with lower rates, but they do not reward curent customers for loyalty. Chances are, new customers are paying less than you for the same coverage. It costs nothing to get quotes from other companies, so why not? When you go forward with a new educated perspective, you will be able to get the best auto insurance available to you. All of that, without the confusion or misinformation. Navigating your current car insurance options will be a breeze when you keep in mind the ideas you learned here.