Insurance Tips To Play It Safe Buying the right insurance for your car is essential to prevent financial difficulties when an accident occurs. The article below will describe how to ask the right questions from your broker or agent, what coverage to buy and how to avoid duplicate coverage. Read the article and ask the right questions from your insurance professional. When keeping down the cost of auto insurance, protect your no-claims record. If you have several years of auto insurance with the same company and you have not needed to file any claims, avoid filing a small claim. The increase in your premiums will be more expensive than simply covering the small claim damage out of pocket. When you rent a car, you will likely be asked if you want to purchase coverage for the vehicle. Before you answer, you should know whether or not your personal automobile insurance covers rental cars. If it does, how much is covered? Ask your agent, or read your policy to be clear. If you can afford it, try to pay your automobile insurance premium in full. By paying in full, you may be able to avoid the interest charges that may be added by paying with monthly payments. Some companies will also provide you with a discount for paying your premium in full. Your teenage driver may be eligible for a number of discounts that could make auto insurance more affordable, so be sure to ask. Some companies will give a discount to good students with a GPA above 3.0. Your teen's premiums may also gradually decrease as they accumulate a safe driving record. Defensive driving courses and a car with plenty of safety features can also get you a cheaper policy. Having your VIN number etched into your window can lower your insurance premiums up to 15 percent. Sometimes the VIN number is already etched into the car's window, but will raise the price of the car $300 to $900. You can also etch the number into the window yourself for $19.95. Do not be afraid to do some comparison shopping for the best automobile insurance policy. There are websites available that make the process of searching through the different companies quick, easy and efficient. You may be surprised by what another company can offer you in terms of cost. If you are looking to get auto insurance, do not commit to any company until you have gotten multiple quotes. You can do this online without having to speak with an insurance agent or sales representative. By getting multiple quotes you are reducing the chances of auto insurance companies cheating you. Look for an insurance that offers an accident forgiveness option. If you get into an accident, your premium will not go up. Accident forgiveness works in certain situations: make sure you qualify for it before requesting it. Usually, you can get accident forgiveness if you have a good driving record. It is essential to understand what exactly you are covered for. One of the most complete types of insurance is called comprehensive. Comprehensive is considerably more expensive, but covers you even in strange situations like fires, floods and vandalism. Most of the time you will not need this, but in some situations, it can be a lifesaver. Pay your insurance in full when it is due rather than paying it in monthly installments. Your insurance company may charge you more if you choose to pay monthly because of the convenience of it. If you have to, take out a small loan to avoid paying fees to the insurance company. When switching your auto insurance coverage, one important tip is to cancel your old insurance policy just before accepting the new one. Auto insurance is expensive enough without having to pay for two policies at the same time, so be sure to cancel the old policy and have the new one issued on the same day so that there is no period of double payment. Be sure to ask your insurance agent about car insurance discounts for having all of your insurance coverage with him or her. When you have your car, homeowners, health and dental insurance all in one place, you may qualify for a good discount. Additionally, if you have multiple cars to insure, it may lower your rates. You ever hear the quote "you get what you pay for?" Many companies out there advertise that they can save you money on car insurance. Well, make them prove it. Shop around for quotes and remember that you have to make sure the coverage levels are the same. Ask for discounts because some companies provide more discounts than others. Every state has minimum requirements each driver must meet for liability insurance. Most people sign up for this minimum coverage, usually to save money. This may not be the best idea, depending on the state in which you live. Some states set their minimum requirements too low, and if you were to actually cause an accident you might find yourself under insured, which puts your home, savings and other assets in jeopardy. Review your coverage and make sure you buy enough liability insurance to protect your family and your assets. To get a discount on your auto insurance, take into consideration all of your professional affiliations. Not only do many mass employers like Wal-Mart arrange blanket discounts for their employees, but many educational, charitable, social and religious organizations do too. When applying for or renewing your auto insurance, be sure to list all of your affiliations to qualify for these potential discounts. Pay for your auto insurance coverage in one payment up front. When you pay in full you will not be charged interest charges as you would if you were paying monthly. This means some companies also offer you a discount if your coverage is paid for ahead of time. Monthly payments can be convenient, but they may not be as affordable as you would like. When you have good car insurance, it can make a world of difference if an accident occurs. However, it is important to select the proper coverage and insurance options to secure this financial assistance. Start implementing the advice in this article to get the right coverage for you.